Friday, November 4, 2011

Pumpkin Patch Fun!

On October 11th, 2011 Lucas' Preschool took a field trip to the Greenspot Pumpkin Patch! It was a great experience since we have never been to this location before! It was cute and small, not like the Live Oak Pumpkin Patch! I enjoyed it as well, but I do however really like Live Oak way better. Live Oak there are so many things to do!
Lucas with his 8 classmates!

Lucas in the Hay maze!

Checking out the animals! Big Fat Pig!

On the Train!

All the kids from Lucas' School!

Lucas Going to pick up his perfect Pumpkin!

Lucas' Pumpkin! (the sun is in his eyes)

Going on a tractor ride!

Me and my Big Boy!


Snack time!


Scared look!

On Sunday October 16th, 2011, we went to the Live Oak Pumpkin Patch! Great Family time! It is our family tradition to go every year! The boys had lots of fun!
The first thing the boys got to do was to enjoy the Animal Farm!


Making a new friend!

Ryker and Lucas checking it out!

Shaking the Monkey's hand!

We then headed to the Hay Stacks to take our  Family Pictures!
My boys with there new hair cuts!

THe Best Family picture of the day!

Fun and Cute pictures of my Boys!

Lol...Check out Michaels Ears!

We then went and used up all of our tickets by going on the Big Tiger slide, got to ride on ATV's, Got to go on some Jumpers and climbed up the Hay Stacks!

By the end of the night we looked at some pumpkins and called it a night!
Michael and I

Sitting on the table full of Pumpkins!

Ryker was not enjoying it at all! We got in trouble for having our
kids on the table!

Ryker and his pumpkin!

Lucas and Ryker enjoying the pumpkins!

We had yet another great time at the pumpkin patch together! Looking forward to next year, since Ryker will be much older and hopefully he will enjoy it as much as Lucas has! I love my family and I learn something new everyday, good or bad, they are the best and I couldn't ask for anything better!

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