Friday, November 4, 2011

Birthday Surprise!

One of the most important person in my life is not only my Grandma but one of my best friends! We talk every other week! I probably talk her ear off but she gives the best advice and encourages me that I can do anything! She just celebrated her 80th Birthday on October 23rd, 2011! But my Uncle and Mom planned a party for her on Oct. 30th! I was sad that my family wasn't able to join us in celebrating her birthday (they were all recovering from being sick).  But we still really enjoyed our time together!  My Grandma knew she was coming to lunch at my Uncles house but didn't know we were all going to be there, especially me!
Delicious Cake!
Thanks to Uncle Carl!

Make a wish! #1


Those darn tricky candles!

My Grandma, Sister Jen and I

My Sisters and I, with Grandma!

Present time! My sisters got my Grandma some beautiful Opal earrings! And my boys and I made her an art piece made out of Lucas and Rykers finger prints! We made a beautiful butterfly for GG! We love you very much and look forward to seeing you at Christmas time!

Finally got a picture of Gracie smiling!

Uncle Carl and Chester!

Left to right: Gracie, Courtney, Kyle, Jen, Uncle Scott, Mom, Me, GG and GGpa!

Courtney, Kyle, Me, Jen and Ashley!

I had an Fabulous time visiting with my family and look forward to seeing everyone next month! Thank you all for being such an amazing family! Love you all! I hope my Grandma had lots of fun, we love you and Talk with you soon! I hope you enjoy the pictures! 

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