Friday, November 4, 2011

Halloween fun!

I know I have been behind on pretty much all of my October blogs! I start on a blog and I just can't finish it because the kids are always around!  We just have been super busy! Especially because the kids have been sick for a good 2 weeks! I just got finished with 3 blogs today and this will make number 4 if the kids stay asleep long enough for me to finish it!

On October 29th, 2011 I flew up to visit my family for my Grandma's Birthday on the 30th. And my sisters told me that we are going out at 9pm to celebrate Halloween in Downtown San Jose! I haven't got away from my kids since my birthday in July, so I was very excited, but a little Guilty since Michael was sick, dealing with sick kids too!  But in the end I had a blast!
We headed over to my sisters friends house to look at some of her costumes that she had so I didn't have to buy one last min. It turned out great since she had great costumes to choose from!
I ended up choosing an Indian Costume! Very cute! I was very grateful she didn't mind me borrowing one of  her costumes! I was also very lucky that My sister Jen and I wear the same size shoe, So I didn't have to buy new shoes! Thanks Jen!

Pirate Jen, Fire Captain Courtney, and Me!

I love my sisters!

Big sis Court!

Big Middle Sis Jen!

Thanks Sisters for taking your little sister out and showing me a good old time! I haven't had that much fun a really long time! Love you both so much! I can't wait to do that again! The Dance battle was super fun doing the sprinkler, the fishing pole, and the robot! Good times guys! Miss you all already! I love making new and fun memories with you guys!

On Monday Oct. 31st we had our Annual Block Party again this year! The turn out was not as many as last years but it was still lots of fun! Amie and I decided to make a pinata again like we did last year!  Except last year Amie made a bat and this year I made the Spider!
Paper Mache
made out of flower and water!

If you don't have newspaper use an Old Telephone book and cut into strips!

Use two balloons and tie them together and do 4 to 5 layers.
Let dry for 24 hours

Then paint!
Bottom of Spider

Working on eyes!
Mouth is a piece of a egg carton!

adding Legs made out of black construction paper!
I hot glued them on!

The Final product!

The Weeda Family!

Fred and Betty!
I am extremely proud of my sewing skills! No sewing machine needed! I made our costumes by hand!
All together it took me 5 days to make both and spent $19 to make them!
Best deal yet! Hair Bow and tie made out of the dress I am wearing!

Wilma and Betty!
The Rubbles and The Flinstones!
Dennis, Amie and Brayden!

Lucas as Spiderman!
Ryker as the Incredible Hulk!

Lucas Killing my Spider!

This is what was left after all the kids attacked it!

The Incredible Hulk!

Some of the kids!
Kai, Lucas and Brayden!

I would have to say that this was the best Halloween yet!  We had lots of fun with our families and good friends!  Until next year Halloween! I am already thinking ahead for our costumes next year! What can I say, "I love Halloween."

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