Monday, January 23, 2012

Disneyland Fun!

We were definitely undecided if we wanted to renew our Disney passes this year, but realizing how much a park hopper ticket cost $105 a trip and the season pass cost $199, we decided to renew them. Especially since we go more then 4 times a year! I plan on going a couple of times with just Lucas and I! This way we can have more one on one with one another!
My oldest sister Courtney planned a trip with her and her daughter to go to Disneyland on this past Friday, January 20th. We are so happy we decided to go Friday instead of saturday due to weather conditions! Friday was a beautiful sunny day! Our first stop was the Bibbidi Bobbidi Boutique for Gracie's Princess makeover! She loved it!
Princess Gracie! Ready for her MakeOver!

Getting her hair done!

Almost done with her hair

Makeup time!

Getting her nails done!

Glitter time!

All done!

After the Fairy GodMothers transformed Gracie into a Princess they revealed her new look by saying Bibbidi Bobibidi Bo! A mirror appears behind the curtain and Gracie sees herself as a princess! Such a cute thing for little girls! She absolutely loved being pampered!

We decided to just stay on the Disneyland side so we can do more with the kids! They loved it! Us mommies loved it also since lines were super short!
It was pretty sunny out!
Our kids couldn't see anything!
it's still a nice picture!
Trying to Pull the sword in the stone out!

Lucas with his Auntie and Cousin

Looking at the flowers!

Ryker and I

My boys and I

Gracie and Court!

Waiting in line!


Donald Duck!
Donald was covering Lucas' Mickey ears!
He was a little Jealous because his ears weren't Donald ones!

Princess Gracie on the Carousel!


Ryker really is having a great time!
He just didn't want to smile for me!
Love you two!

Love you guys!

We all had such a fun time at Disneyland even with the crying and tantrums that came along with it! No trip is ever perfect you just have the make the best of it! Can't wait to go again, once this weather clears up! Love you Courtney and Gracie! I am glad Gracie got to get her MakeOver! We will have to do it again! Maybe next time my boys will get there hair done too! Lol....

On saturday January 21st was Gracie's real Birthday! We first celebrated with one of Lucas' best friend Brayden! He turned 5! All of the kids had lots of fun! Afterwards we came back to our home and made Gracie a Birthday cake and Made speghetti for dinner, then ate the cake! She and Lucas had lots of fun making and decorating the delicious cake!
Lucas and Gracie

Ryker loves Gracie

I love my Niece!

Love you guys!

Silly Picture!

The kids being silly with there Cheeto Puffs!

They have so much fun together!

Puzzel time!

Courtney writing Happy Birthday Gracie!

Gracie excited to decorate her cake!

Good Job Courtney

Decoration time!

Lucas decorated too!

All done!
Dinner time!

Silly pictures!

Happy 4th Birthday Gracie

Thinking long and hard about what wish she should make!

They were very excited to eat the cake!



Happy Birthday to my sweet, Beautiful and intelligent niece Gracie! I hope you had lots of fun at Disneyland and visiting with us over the weekend! We love you so much! We definitely wish we lived closer! Lucas wanted you to stay forever! We look forward to your next visit! May your year be filled with lots of love and happiness! Courtney keep up the great work with Gracie, she is who she is because of you! You work hard and deserve the best! Love you and thanks for always being there for me when I need you the most! Even if I do talk your ear off! lol...see you guys soon!

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