Thursday, January 5, 2012

Thanksgiving Times 2!

We generally go home to spend the holidays with our loving family, but this year we decided to stay home and cook our delicious Thanksgiving meal for ourselves and some good friends of ours! This is our 3rd time cooking a turkey for ourselves and I believe was the best turkey we have made yet! The best part about making your own food for the holidays is having leftovers! I love left overs! Turkey sandwiches with sides that are delicious! I don't think I have ate so much during the holidays before!

Our Family!

The Galecki's with Lucas!

Candace and I

Rafal, Candace and I
Natalia and Emily
Getting ready to eat our Thankgiving Dinner!

Our Family!
The Kids!

We not only have had the perfect meal for Thanksgiving but we had amazing guest to share it with! We are Thankful to have great friends and loving family! Be sure to be thankful for what you have and never take anything for granted! Love those who are around you and be sure to tell them everyday!

On Friday, November 25th, 2011
Michael's Brother Dan and his Girlfriend Camisha came to visit us for the weekend! It was such a wonderful visit we hope that they come back again soon!

Listening to music and singing Karaoke with Ryker's toy microphone!

Good Times Guys!

Michael and I

Dancing to Footloose! lol...

Singing like Rockstar's
Feeling the moment...! lol...


The Boy's Getting Ready to Watch the Seahawks!

Connect 4 competition!
Lucas wins everytime!

Look at how focus they all are!

We enjoyed Dan and Camisha's company for our second Thanksgiving! Before dinner we each took turns giving thanks, when we got to Lucas' turn, Lucas said "he was thankful for his Ironman, and his toys and For Camisha!" lol...totally left out his Uncle Dan! Lucas had lots of stories during dinner, and really entertained his Uncle Dan and Camisha! We had lots of fun dancing the night away while the kids slept which was quite amazing since we were making lots of noise! Dan and Camisha, you both are welcome in our home anytime! We love you both and look forward to seeing you both soon!

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