Sunday, April 29, 2012

San Diego Love!

I still remember the day Michael proposed to me as if it was just yesterday! It was Saturday, March 17th, 2007, Michael and I were headed to the beach (Santa Cruz). Michael was acting very strange. He was taking lots of pictures (which he never does), and was very indicisive on the location on the beach.  I just wanted to go to the beach and didn't know why he was being so picky. Once we found a spot, we set up our umbrella and beach towels. We even had a picnic basket with lunch in it!  Michael then started looking real nervous!  He kept running back and forth to the water then back to me. Pretty much back and forth like he was running drills for basketball camp! lol....Then he finally sat down for a little then got back up and got down on one knee. He then proposed to me and I then accepted! He couldn't have done it any better! He proposed to me in one of my most favorite places in the world and even had some champagne glasses in the picnic basket with Apple cider (because I was 4 months pregnant) for us to celebrate! He definitely surprised me and did it in a way I will never forget!

Which then led us to, One of the most important and perfect days of my life! The day that Michael and I shared our vows and said "I Do" to one another on April 29th, 2007! I have been married to my best friend and the love of my life for 5 years and counting! I look forward to celebrating many more years and to grow old together!

Michael and I celebrated our Anniversary early this year do to availability and flight plans! Which was fine with me!
On Sat. March 10th, we went out for dinner at Sevilla's in Riverside. The food was absolutely phenomenal! We told our waiter we were celebrating our Anniversary and she said she could get us in at their night club for free and they walked us over to the front of the line! It brought me back to when we first met on September 2nd, 2006 at Sofa Lounge! We danced the night away! Free from responsibilies! (Thanks again Barb(Beppe) for watching our boys for us! It are truely greatful!! Love you lots!)
Sangria Margarita = Delicious!

Someone was selling roses at the dinner time and Michael Bought me some!

We then came home and Left early Sunday morning to sunny San Diego! Why the Beach areas you ask! Because it is our sancturary especially without kids! Our first stop was at Mission Beach, at a place called The Board Walk! Delicious food, and great environment! Although we love our children, but we all know having time away for yourselves is much needed, we were truely glad our kids weren't with us because the service was very slow and laid back! Which we liked because we were able to have a conversation without interuptions and we were able to relax! Everything was perfect because we weren't rushed!

Bloody Mary's

Beer! Yummy!

My Handsome Husband! Love you!

Surfers headed to the beach!
Mission Beach!

We walked right across the street to Cheap Rentals ( to rent some bike cruisers! Definitely a terrific Idea! I have been wanting to do this for such a long time! We cruised Mission Beach! Lots of fun! I felt like a kid again! It was a great work out too! We plan on getting bikes with in the next year or so, so we can bike with our boys! Did I mention that it was lots of fun! :)
Michael and his Cruiser!

I wish my bike came with a basket!

Michael and I cruising along!

Look I can peddle standing up! lol...

We cruised along for  a couple of hours and went to the board walk and shopped a little. We then decided to walk on over to Guava Beach, for a Margarita Pitcher! Once inside I realized I have been to this place before, for Shelby's Bachelorette party!

Great memories!
and made new ones!

 Next we finally headed to, Loews Coronado Bay Resort!  We chose this specific location because we were wanting to be away from the busy city life! The Resort was not very busy which made our trip even more relaxing! We enjoyed the hot tub before we headed out to dinner!
The view from I75(Coronado Bridge)

Sunday night we went to Peohe's Restaruant for our Anniversary Dinner! Peohe's had great customer service, great views and delicious food! While looking at the menu, I of course was just looking right at the choices of food and not paying attention to what it said at the top of the Menu and they had printed out a Menu that said, "Happy 5th Anniversary Ellen and Michael." Mike had to point it out to me because I didn't acknowledge it (I was completely oblivious and was focused on the food). Michael has truely out did himself now! 

San Diego in the back!

Monday Morning we decided to play tennis! Oh boy, it has been about 8-9 years since I have played! Michael said it must have been double that for him! Lets just say I've seen better days, but I still have a very good back hand. We did keep a rally going, we probably got about 7 hits total. Not too bad! lol....but then again nothing to brag about either!

Oh boy! lol....

You got to love this! We had way too much fun!

Our View from our room!

After we played some tennis, we ordered room service and had ourself some breakfast/lunch then headed to the pool to relax and to get our tan on! It was such a gorgeous day! I got myself a delicious Rasberry Margarita and a nice little tan too!

We decided to drive along the coast to check out some of the beaches! Before we headed back to reality, home!

This beach was right across from our Resort!
It was quite windy for me (hence the jacket), but not for Michael!

I've always wanted to take a picture on a Lifeguard Tower! Lol...


lol....I love this photo!

Mexico is about 5 miles from Imperial Beach
Right in the hills in the back of the picture to the right!
Del Mar!

Collecting Sea Shells for our boys!

I love having sandy feet!
Good bye Del Mar!

Before heading home we ate Dinner at a place called Anita's Mexican Restaurant! Our last destination for our relaxing 5 year Wedding Anniversary!

Thanks again Barb for making this weekend happen! We wouldn't have been able to make this special without you! Love you!

Lucas with his Beppe

Cheese Beppe!

Here are a few pictures of our wedding that took place in Reno 5 years ago!

Michael and I have grown a lot in the past 5 years as individuals, as parents and as husband and wife! There's not one thing that I would change! I am so lucky to have been blessed with an amazing husband, children and family!

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